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01 January 2009

New Year's Resolutions

You know perhaps the best New Year's Resolution I ever made was in 2008. I vowed that I was going to make a list of people who influenced my life and helped me get to where I am today. Then, I was going to track them all down and contact them. The list was not extremely long and I have been successful in tracking down most of the people on it. In the month of December alone, I tracked down three teachers (#'s 1, 2, and 4 on my list) who greatly impacted my life and I was able to thank each of them. This was one of the most rewarding things I have ever done. It feels good to show an old teacher, mentor, or family friend that you have done well in life and to thank them for helping you make it. We stand upon the shoulders of those from whence we came. So to the people who received a letter like this from me, please let me publicly thank you for helping to make me into the man I am today.


Richard the Nomad

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree, it is definitely nice and feels good to thank the people that have guided one to the person they have become and goals archieved. I don't remember when I have actually had a significant new year's resolution, although I have thought of all the important things as this one.... never really acted upon them.

I guess you make a point and this sort of wakes you up to take a step and make a point of letting someone know how important their crossing paths with you in life they has made a positive impact in your life. A 'Thank You' is such a small word but it takes almost a lifetime to say it meaningfully....
