Bhutto's party, the Pakistani People's Party, won the ensuing election following her murder. With Pervez Musharraf no longer in the political picture, Bhutto's widower is
now in charge of Pakistan. Asif Ali Zardari has a reputation for political corruption and is suspected of swindling millions of dollars from the Pakistani government's coffers during the tenures his late wife served as Prime Minister. However, his government has remained unpopular. Pakistan is facing serious problems: the economy is in tatters, the recent Mumbai attacks have been linked to Pakistani militants, Islamic insurgents are operating in Pakistani tribal areas, and the US is increasing military operations in tribal areas along Pakistan's border with Afghanistan, and Pakistan has not hosted an international cricket match at home since before Bhutto's assassination (this is my effort to shamelessly mention the world's greatest game into each and every blog that I write).

Pakistan is a virtual failed state with a seemingly endless chain of democratic governments toppled by military coups and the use of murder as a political tool. The bottom line is that Benazir Bhutto might not have had all of the answers to solve the myriad problems that Pakistan
faces. Her political past was marred by corruption charges. She certainly would not have had the answers to the global economic crisis which is affecting Pakistan. It is highly doubtful that she would have been able to extend the rule of law into the tribal areas of Waziristan and those surrounding Peshawar. The Mumbai attacks would still have occurred. There would still be tension between India and Pakistan would over Kashmir. But somehow, the region does not seem as stable without Benazir Bhutto's long shadow. She knew the risks of reutrning to Pakistan. She paid for her ideas with her life. For better or worse, her tragic death marked the end of an era and dimmed the hopes that Pakistan can emerge as a peaceful country with a stable government.

I hear you... reading your research. Unfortunately, the world over, especially the developing one seems to be anti-peace. It seems that the motto goes 'Kill the Peacemakers and promote Terrorism'.
I am just tired of human beings being an enemy of themeselves and all the politics going on really draining me... Nevertheless, I think you are a great teacher... well especially for me since I started reading your blogs, you have so far.... thank you.
She was just a great lady.She was one of those women who influenced their countries. She did what she could and I think She fought for what she believed in.God knows how her death was a tragedy. I wish she could still be there.All my respect for Benazir Bhutto and peace to her soul.
Hey Richard,
I don't know why the world is in to this mas,where people continous to kill them selves in seek for power.This really makes me hurt politics in generally.
This was one phenomenal woman. I still don’t understand why she chose to go back to Pakistan even with the knowledge that her life was in danger. What does that say about her “Pakistaniness”? RIP.
Reading through this blog is so touching knowing that fellow humans out there have no hope of ever facing peace in their lives - the people of Pakistan.
Several Pakistanis had put all their hope in Bhutto….its a pity that they lost all they had hoped for. I know that the world is never going to be the same again for them but in the face of a better government, all things will turn better for them.
It's a great shame that a woman of great virtue was killed in that way. She would have taken Pakistan to greater heights, unfortunately that dream was killed when she was killed. I watched her regularly each time she was on TV, but deep inside my heart, I knew she was goanna be killed, I knew it was just a matter of time before it happened.
It was a great shame, but I was not really surprised when I heard of her death. I saw it coming because it didn’t look like some people in Pakistan wanted the change she was offering.
What a great loss.
May her soul rest in Peace!
Benazir Bhutto was killed, Pakistan has been great confusion. Alas, when will the world have peace? why there are always do such a thing happen? You mentioned democracy, it is just not democracy in Pakistan there is no democracy in China. I feel that here is no democracy, and Chinese officials are corrupt, few good official, people do not have freedom of speech, although it is now the Internet are free to speak, but the major media\TV are the official final say, so everything is good news, no bad news. The greater the corruption official the more no one can control, almost all government departments is very bad attitude, no manners, but they are humble if they met with large officials than them. China is now a large gap between rich and poor. You is hard to imagine that the poor can not live in the house, but the rich can have a lot of houses, a lot of luxury. China's housing prices are very high, now most people may be able to earn a lifetime to buy a house in general, on the children's tuition fees is very exaggerated, at least a year ten thousand of two thousand yuan, but the income of farmers will be thousands of pieces a year, and some lower.
In short there are many problems and no democracy.
From China
Sometimes memories are better forgotten, sometimes they’re not, but over time you seem to lose them. Sometimes even though some memories are too hard to even bear, you want to hold on to them. Cause in the end, you realize there was a reason for all that misery. Beginnings are scary. Endings are usually sad, but it’s the middle that counts the most. RIP mama.
I also had very high expectations for Bhutto if she made it to being president of her country. But looking from your perspective i realize how little would have been accomplished. Her rise into power was received positively by most people hoping that she was to change Pakistan completely. Sadly she died with those high expectations.
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